jueves, 15 de marzo de 2012

La Historia detras de Penny Jones.

Al ser una historia relacionada con The Beatles, es mas que obvio que al escuchar el nombre Penny, todas y todos pensemos en Penny Lane.
La idea de usar este nombre para la protagonista de esta historia, si surgio de una cancion, pero no de The Beatles, sino de otro grupo llamado Hanson. 
En 2004 "Penny & Me" era el nuevo sencillo de la banda, con mis 11 años, esa era una de mis canciones favoritas.
Años despues, cuando comence a escribir el fic, no sabia que nombre poner a mi protagonista, graciosamente en ese instante comenzo a sonar esta cancion y tal vez me equivoco, pero la forma en la que es Penny Jones, se relaciona mucho con la forma en la que describen a la chica en la cancion.

Aqui dejo el video de la cancion y la letra. :)

"Penny & Me"

Cigars in the summertime under the sky by the light
I can feel you read my mind
I can see it in your eyes under the moon as it plays
like music every line
There's a rug with bleeding dye under the fan in the room
Where the passions burning high by the chair
with the leopard skin under the light
It's always Penny and me tonight

On the plane step up with both my feet
Riding in seat number 3 on a flight to NYC
Got my bean in a coffee cup next to my seat
Catch the view and another good book to read
Sitting at home over the friendly skies
Missing her eyes
It's always Penny and me tonight

Cause Penny and me like to roll the windows down
Turn the radio up, push the pedal to the ground
And Penny and me like to gaze at starry skies
Close our eyes, pretend to fly
It's always Penny and me tonight

Staring at a million city lights
But it's still Penny and I all alone beneath the sky
Feel the wind brushing slowly by
If I could soar I'd try to take these wings and fly
Away to where the leaves turn red
But no matter where I am instead
Singing along to feeling alright
Or making it by under pink moonlight
It's always Penny and me tonight

Cause Penny and me like to roll the windows down
Turn the radio up, push the pedal to the ground
And Penny and me like to gaze at starry skies
Close our eyes, pretend to fly
It's always Penny and me tonight

Penny likes to get away and drown her pain in lemonade
Penny dreams of rainy days and nights up late by the fireplace
And aimless conversations about the better days

Singing along to feeling alright, yeah
Or making it by under pink moonlight
It's always Penny and me tonight

Cause Penny and me like to roll the windows down
Turn the radio up, push the pedal to the ground
And Penny and me like to gaze at starry skies
Close our eyes pretend to fly
It's always Penny and me tonight

Penny and me tonight
Penny and me tonight
Penny and me tonight

lunes, 20 de febrero de 2012


Definitivamente una de las mejores canciones de Coldplay :)

miércoles, 8 de febrero de 2012

Una buena charla.

Hoy platicando un poco con mi mama sucedio esto...

La dejo tambien en ingles :P

Lo se estoy mal xP pero apoco no ustedes harian lo mismo!

Hey Bulldog!!


sábado, 4 de febrero de 2012

They are my life!

I have no words to express how much I love this 4 men, they made my life easier, they made me believe in myself, and never leave my dreams.

Every word in their songs is an inspiration for me. Maybe I'm sounding a little corny, but they are a big inspiration and a big support to me.

They are the only ones who made a new person of me.

Finally, I can't live without hear their beautiful voices singing some good songs.

miércoles, 1 de febrero de 2012

martes, 31 de enero de 2012

lunes, 30 de enero de 2012

Toda la semana!!!

Talvez suene loco, enfermo, etc pero para mi no, para mi es una forma linda de agradecer todo lo positivo que logro en mi el gran George Harrison!

Esta semana, o la mayoria de los dias he decidido escuchar, bailar, observar, todos los videos, canciones y fotos de este "quite beatle".

En verdad ni con todo esto podre agradecer todo lo que su persona influyo en mi.



jueves, 26 de enero de 2012

No creo poder....

he estado leyendo algunos fanfics sobre The Beatles, en verdad son muy buenos. Apenas hace un dia que me decidi a subir el primer capitulo de mi fanfic, pero ahora dudo mucho que sea tan bueno como los que he leido. :/

miércoles, 18 de enero de 2012

Alguna Vez...

Alguna vez han escuchado alguna cancion de amor y han sentido esa sensacion de cosquilleo en el estomago.
Alguna vez han visto una pelicula romantica donde la pareja se besa tiernamente y automaticamente soñar con un beso asi.
Tal vez nosotros no lo notemos, pero la vida nos tiene preparado a alguien especial, en un momento clave, tal vez la persona que menos lo esperas es la indicada para ti, solo debes dejarte llevar.

lunes, 16 de enero de 2012

domingo, 15 de enero de 2012

Just a feeling...

All of young Beatlemaniatics like me, sometimes are criticized and molested for different things, that all of family and friends say.

1."They're so old."
2."Their music is so boring."
3."You are so weird, you should to hear the new music."
4."How to you like them, they was so uglies and crazies."
5."They're old, and 2 of them are death, you should to see the future not the past."

Anyway a lot of silly things like these, but we and only we know that all this thing are not truth.

1. Young or old they will always be the same an awesome persons.
2. Their music always will be a source of happiness and inspiration.
3. If you call me weird just for hear music that help me in moments of sadness and despair, and for not hear all the new music from the radio. Yes i'm a PROULY WEIRD
4. First they wasn't uglies you should to be blind to say that. Second you call them crazies just for do and say the things so clearly, they don't was worry about the opinions for the people. And finally apart of they was handsome, I don't love them just for their look, I love them for the people who was, and all the good things that they show me with their music and actions.
5. I don't care of Ringo and Paul are old, i'm still in love with them for the awesome persons that they are, and all the awesome things that they do for the people. And John & George in the time that they lived, always show us how you can live your life just you should to be happy.

Well this is just my opinion about all this theme, but I hope that all of these can change for good with all the people that thinks like these.

Estefania Harrison.