domingo, 15 de enero de 2012

Just a feeling...

All of young Beatlemaniatics like me, sometimes are criticized and molested for different things, that all of family and friends say.

1."They're so old."
2."Their music is so boring."
3."You are so weird, you should to hear the new music."
4."How to you like them, they was so uglies and crazies."
5."They're old, and 2 of them are death, you should to see the future not the past."

Anyway a lot of silly things like these, but we and only we know that all this thing are not truth.

1. Young or old they will always be the same an awesome persons.
2. Their music always will be a source of happiness and inspiration.
3. If you call me weird just for hear music that help me in moments of sadness and despair, and for not hear all the new music from the radio. Yes i'm a PROULY WEIRD
4. First they wasn't uglies you should to be blind to say that. Second you call them crazies just for do and say the things so clearly, they don't was worry about the opinions for the people. And finally apart of they was handsome, I don't love them just for their look, I love them for the people who was, and all the good things that they show me with their music and actions.
5. I don't care of Ringo and Paul are old, i'm still in love with them for the awesome persons that they are, and all the awesome things that they do for the people. And John & George in the time that they lived, always show us how you can live your life just you should to be happy.

Well this is just my opinion about all this theme, but I hope that all of these can change for good with all the people that thinks like these.

Estefania Harrison.

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